Jeff Deyo
Estou junto com meu amigo (Ruy, conhecido como Sr. Preto. Hahuah!) renovando as músicas do grupo de jovens lá da igreja. Ele me passou uma música muuuuito loca (pra não dizer muuuuuito linda!)! Chama “Bless the LORD” do Jeff Deyo.
Jeff Deyo é um ex-integrante da banda Sonicflood.
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Visite o My Space dele: www.myspace.com/jeffdeyo
Lá tem mais músicas dele e a “Bless the LORD” na ítegra!
A letra:
For your beauty,
For your goodness,
And your wisdom.. Awesome God
Praise the Lord oh my soul, Praise the Lord.For your power,
For your honor,
And your splendor… Mighty God
Praise the Lord oh my soul, Praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord oh my soul, Praise the Lord.Refrão:
And I will worship you,
I will bless your name forever,
I will worship you,
Bless the Lord oh my soul, Bless the Lord
Bless the Lord oh my soul, Bless the LordFor your Kindness
For your Favor,
For your Mercy.. Gracious One
Thank the Lord oh my Soul, Thank the Lord.For your fire,
For your testing
And your Spirit… Holy One
Thank the Lord oh my Soul, Thank the Lord.
Thank the Lord oh my Soul, Thank the Lord.Volta pro Refrão
Bless the Lord oh my Soul,
Bless the Lord oh my Soul, Bless the LORD!For your Suffering,
For your Anguish
And your sorrow.. humble King,
Bless the Lord oh my soul, Bless the Lord
Bless the Lord oh my soul, Bless the LordFor your Victory {Victory},
For your Triumph,
AND YOUR SOON COMING reign over all.
Veja e ouça a música (hehe):